Dublin: 11 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

8 reasons why the humble Burger Bite is the best corn snack of all time

Burger. Flavoured. Crisps.

WE’VE HEARD FROM Chickatees, Meanies and Rancheros. Now let Burger Bites have their time in the sun. They deserve it.

First of all, the fact that burger-flavoured crisps exist in this world is a beautiful thing

It shouldn’t be allowed. But it is, and we’re grateful for it.

Even if it’s a very loose interpretation of what burgers actually taste like

‘Beef flavour’. Sure, sure. *eats five packets anyway*

Their scent is…pungent, yet intoxicating

Beefy, yet not like any beef you’ve ever smelled in real life, with just a hint of cardboard.

You remember them back when they used to be made by ‘Sam Spudz’

Sam-Spudz-Burger-Bites-500x500 Source: Aweetasteofireland

Bless you Sam. Bless you.

A six pack of Burger Bites can easily be devoured within one day

You have to be careful. Moreish isn’t the word.

But that’s the only way you can obtain them these days, so you do what you must

If that means sitting in agony as the other bags of Burger Bites taunt you from the press, then so be it.

They are often copied, but never equalled

Probably the best crisps around #burgerbites #spar #arisaig #thecroft Source: Instagram/dollypato

Perri Burger Bites ONLY.

And a wonderful accompaniment to a pint

Not your usual choice of pub snack, we’ll wager, but the only one you should even consider from now on.

Burger Bites – beefy puffs of heaven.

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